Just a few notes from the week:
Greens spiking is nearly complete. Only #7 green remains to be done next week. This spiking process took the place of the heavy duty aerification and topdressing we normally do in early May. We spiked all greens in two directions, using our John Deere aerators set up with a slim "bayonet" shaped tine. We did not pull a soil core this spring, the spiking opens up the greens to improve soil and oxygen exchange.
For members who have not seen the greens since spiking, the surface disruption was minimal during this process. Greens are putting close to normal as of Friday evening.
We installed tournament cup liners today. The cup lines is an insert that sits on top of the cup, and simulates the painted cup look common on televised tournaments. Let us know if you like them...or not!!
Rough is extremely penal this spring, due our very wet spring and plenty of soil fertility. 7.63" of rainfall has fallen on our weather station since April 2nd. Waterlogged soil combined with 55 tons of lime and a nitrogen based fertilizer application to the rough last December are responsible. Growth should even out during the next three weeks.
All pre-emergent crabgrass applications are complete, as is a plant protectant applied to control Hyperoides Weevils, a potentially destructive root and crown munching small insect.
Play well!!!