Miscellaneous Ramblings....
Greens aeration will be performed next Monday and Tuesday, weather permitting. As mentioned in an earlier blog entry, we are significantly changing our method this spring. We will aerate with a solid tine, a tine that only pokes a hole into the greens' surface. No soil will be brought to the surface, making this much less intrusive than in the past. We will topdress the greens lightly and roll the greens to return smoothness. If all goes to plan, greens will be back to normal by Friday or Saturday.
This aeration process will help the greens by providing air to soil. A healthy soil is comprised of 50% soil particles and 50% air space. Aeration is our method of returning the air component after golf traffic, equipment and weather compress soils and remove air over time.
Wednesday we aerated over half of our golf course tees. We expect to finish either tomorrow or Friday.
With recent warm weather, soils are warming quickly after a slow start. Warm soil temperatures turn the millions of crabgrass seeds present in soil from not viable to viable, ready to germinate, establish itself and cause headaches for both you and me. We treat 95% of our turf areas with chemical materials to prevent this crabgrass seed from germinating. Earlier than previous years, we are almost finished applying these chemicals to prevent this weed grass. This weekend, after your golf of course, would be a great time to apply pre-emergent crabgrass materials and fertilizer to your home lawn!! Remember to water this material in with a half inch of irrigation or natural rainfall within a few days of application.
Greens were sprayed today for disease Anthracnose, potentially destructive insects hyperoides weevils, and were treated with growth regulator. The growth regulator will help to add speed to greens for this weekend's Phil Tally tournament.
We continue our project of severing aboveground tree roots. This is proving to be a slow moving process, but we will continue to be diligent to get rid of the roots!!
Please enjoy your golf course, and email me if you have any questions!!!!