Early Tuesday morning, irrigation pumps were turned off at 1:48am by an alarm triggered by pump control software. Wednesday morning, the initial diagnosis showed one of the three large irrigation pumps was not working properly. Our pump service professionals arrived from Connecticut yesterday. (Wednesday) We disassembled the affected pump, and determined that both pump and electric motor were fine. Further work revealed that somehow, one of our larger koi fish entered the pump suction line and was lodged in the pipe leading to this pump. A few hours and plenty of ingenuity led to the extraction of the doomed bright orange koi.
There is a filtering screen on the water suction line that somehow failed, allowing this intrusion. A diver arrives to the Club on Friday morning to inspect and possibly repair the intake pipe.
After 30+ years in the golf course business, I guess I haven't seen it all.....
Apologies for the graphic picture!!
June 6th
The diver swam to the bottom of the pond this morning and found that the filtering screen at the end of the plastic intake pipe had fallen off and was sitting on the bottom of the pond. This allowed our koi friend to get sucked up on Tuesday morning, when pumps were supplying 1200 gallons per minute of water to the golf course.
Mike was able to re-attach the screen, ending this odd saga. We will contact the initial installer of the intake pipe and question them about a problem that should have never happened.